Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Baptism by Fire

I've never blogged before. There, it's out in the open. And, while I'm intimidated by this fact, I am determined to try. I feel like blogging facilitates a lot of communication that would never happen. People who would never meet, are able to converse through this medium. People who are not very vocal are able to take their time and gather their thoughts. You don't need to be good looking, outgoing, or wear the newest fashions for people to listen to you on the internet. It all boils down to what you have to say. And if you've got something good to say...people will listen. I can't promise that I will always have something good to say...quite on the contrary probably. But I will speak, and you're free to listen. So, grab a cup of coffee and sit down at your computer. Bask in the light and warmth of your computer monitor. Here goes...