Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Catching up

Alright, this might be my longest post so far, but apparently I only have ~12 minutes left on this wireless card, so we'll see how long it takes me to type.

We made it to Greece safely and have spent the last 3 days driving/walking (emphasis on walking!) around and shooting video. We visited the acropolis (which was beautiful) and Corinth today. The Greeks are very protective about their ruins and I have been told that I cannot use a tripod (which I'm still missing my locking plate) or do any sound recording while I am in the ruins. I feel like my handheld technique is getting better though, so I'm happy with that. Though, I do need a tripod soon, and will take measures towards that.

Ok, less than 10 minutes on this card. Our long travel day here was exciting, had some delays and almost got put on standby for the Athens flight O.o. But I didn't...phew. Athens has a LOT of vegetation, almost every apartment porch has plants on it which is cool. I found out that we won't be touring with this group for the whole 4 weeks. They are only with us for the first 2 weeks, then it will just be me and Ben for the last 2 weeks (Israel and more Turkey). I think we'll be able to get a lot more shooting done at that point, as we are spending a lot of time doing touristy stuff with them for now...

Well that will be all for tonight, and maybe for a few days. We will say when I get internet access again, and I will let some interesting things to post build up as well. Peace guys!


Jess said...

Sending prayers and blessings your way. How has the weather been?

Staupostek said...

You could always write your posts in WordPad and then copy and paste them onto Facebook/blog. That would only take a minute or so and you can conserve that precious online time.
