It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a hard drive! It's a Bomb!!!!!! Oh, it actually is a hard drive.
Leaving Israel, Ben and I spent about an hour and a half in security because of my video gear. They were particularly suspicious of the external hard drive I had brought along for backing up video footage. They took it away (along with my laptop) for about 30 minutes to test it. It turns out later that it appears they broke it somehow. Grrrr. My eyes have definitely been opened towards the Israelis on this trip.
Today is the 2nd to last shooting day of the trip. Tomorrow we have a few more locations we are going to shoot at, and then tomorrow night I begin my journey home. We are in Cappadocia at the moment, and it is beautiful. We took a balloon ride this morning. They picked us up at the hotel at 4:30am! Yeah, that's right. We were up in the air over Cappadocia for about an hour, and I was recording almost the whole time. Got some great footage.
This region is where there are a lot of underground and cave churches. The Christian church began to be persecuted, and literally went underground to avoid it.
Tomorrow night at 11pm we fly to Izmir, Turkey. I'm there for 5 hours, then at 5:30am I go to the Izmir airport and fly Izmir -> Munich -> New York -> Washington D.C. -> Lexington. I'll be getting into Lexington about 11pm. Thanks for all the support from friends and family. I know I have been thought and prayed about. My next adventure will be moving to a new place! My first time living by myself. When I get back I have 4 days to be out of my apartment, so the fun will continue.
So sorry about your hard drive!
And with such an innocent face...go figure. ;)
Wow...what a story! I can only imagine your frustration as you waited for the hard drive to return, and then discovering that it had been broken.
Well, God is still in control and I am sure that all your hard work will be for His Glory.
I loved hearing about the caves and underground dwellings where Christians are meeting for worship and fellowship. It's so hard to imagine that, as we have such freedom here in America to worship without fear of being thrown into prison.
What an opportunity God has given you to walk in the places where Jesus walked. What was the Sea of Galilee like? Imagine...many many years ago this is where Jesus called the First Disciples! ....
"As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him." --Matthew 4:18-22
Well, Daniel, I pray for your return journey home and your upcoming move. Hope you have time to reflect on your trip as you travel by air....I always love to take that time in the sky to reflect on my trips and how God has blessed me! :) So good to have this "blog" site to be able to catch up with you on your journey! Love & Hugs,-Aunt Michelle
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